Kentucky Dad of Quintuplets Shamed for Walking His Kids on a Leash: ‘They Are Humans, Not Dogs’

A Kentucky dad’s life changed forever when he and his wife welcomed quintuplets into the world. However, he never anticipated the harsh critique and hate that would come as a result of his parenting choices.

Parenthood keeps moms and dads busier than full-time employment, and couples often have to learn new skills on the job. No matter how hard they try, they never get everything right, and the job becomes even more challenging when there is more than one child.

However, the joy of being a parent makes all the sleepless nights and sacrifices worthwhile. Sadly, people don’t see everything moms and dads do for their little ones, and onlookers can be brutal.

Jordan Driskell and his wife Briana adored their five beautiful children, Zoey, Dakota, Hollyn, Asher, and Gavin. Raising quintuplets was a significant life adjustment, but the couple enjoyed every minute.

Many online users weren’t impressed with Jordan’s parenting choices, and they made their opinions abundantly clear.
They had to come up with various creative parenting techniques to ensure their brood was taken care of and safe. Managing their household required full-time attention, and dad Jordan was always eager to spend time with his little ones.

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